Reminder for device
1. How should I determine the parameters for peritoneal dialysis?
Besides body weight (BW), there are 2 parameters to input for each round;
And 1 parameter total volume of dialysate (TV, mL) to input for before dialysis start, which can be replenished during the procedure. TV for a 5 kg dog with a 12-hour procedure, default DVPK and DT is 2500mL:
To gain more accurate TV, or to calculate TV with custom DVPK/DT, there is a “PD calculator” on https://www.benepet.com/pd-calculator
2. What’s the Short Dialysis?
To make” Body Tube Flow” alert and injection/extraction calculator work correctly, a necessary procedure “Short Dialysis” before main procedure start is designed to flow out air in the peritoneal cavity due to surgery:
A. Turn off “Body Tube Flow” alert in “Setting” menu.
B. Start a dialysis with TV = BW x DVPT, DT = 1 min.
C. Turn on “Body Tube Flow” alert, then start main procedure.
3.Why is there an imbalance between the volume of dialysate injected and extracted?
2 often situations as below, and others are listed in Peritoneal Dialysis Guide:
A. Air-relative error (No change in BW)
VAPD-1 couldn’t differ air from liquid. After” priming”, the small amount of air exiting the tubing won’t bother the calculator. But air in peritoneal cavity due to surgery WILL. Please do “Short Dialysis” to flow out the surgery-relative air, then perform main dialysis.
B. Anatomy-relative retention
Some dialysate may not flow out temporarily due to the anatomy of peritoneal cavity and position of the patient, especially in first 3 rounds. It’ll flow out next round or be absorbed by body.
4.Why does VAPD-1 keeps alerting and displaying” Flow in body tube is unexpectedly slow or has stopped.” when the Flow is NORMAL in fact?
Air will bother flow sensor called”, so “Priming” for each new set and before first dialysis procedure are needed. Details or other solutions are in Peritoneal Dialysis Guide.
5.Why does the monitor displays “Barcode expired” when I turn on the device first time?
To ensure the quality, each device is strictly inspected before sending. A barcode for inspection was scanned, so it would be recognized “expired” when user turns on the device first time. Just press “NEW” to scan new barcode and follow the User Manual.
6.Why is there no respond after pressing “PAUSE” or “BACK TO XXXX” in Suck Function?
It will work after keeping pressing for 1 second. It is a safer design in case of mistouching.
7.Can I use the tubing manually for problems about obstruction or else?
Tubing is designed for VAPD-1 only, and manual operation would increase the risk of infection. It is not recommended except obstruction occurs. In that case, please check if tubing is over-bended, all locks on tubing is open, green rod in dialysate is broken, and Waste bag is full. If obstruction about dialysate /effluent tube is still alerted after checking, please contact us.
Catheter obstruction may result from Omentum covering or fibrin clotting. To lower risk of catheter obstruction, Omentectomy and proper catheter is suggested. The one from our cooperator, Sicenvet Co., Ltd in Taiwan, is an option.
If catheter obstruction occurs:
A. Press “PAUSE” to suspend dialysis.
B. With aseptic technique, take up the syringe carefully with tubing.
C. Try to push and pull syringe or change the posture of the patient.
If users want more liquid to try to flush clot in body tube:
D. Record the dialysis volume so far and Lock the waste bag .
E. “PAUSE” then “TERMINATE” the dialysis, don’t flow out dialysate in body.
F. “Open valve” to open Dialysate valve.
G. Suck moderate dialysate from bag.
H. “OK” to close Dialysate valve and open Body Tube valve.
I. Flush in moderate dialysate.
Repeat F.~I. then put syringe back and start new dialysis
Notice: To put the syringe back into the actuator, it needs to be pulled back to the last scale, and some dialysate will be extracted meanwhile.
If no improvement, surgery and heparin should be considered.
8.Does the reddish effluent always means hemorrhage?
Effluent of first round is usually reddish due to left blood in peritoneal cavity bleeding during catheter-installing surgery. Any resistance detected by sensor will alert and pause dialysis, which makes the dialysis safer.
If reddish liquid after third round or lots of blood is noted, surgery should be considered. Proper dialysis catheter and correct temperature of dialysate can lower the risk of hemorrhage during dialysis.
Benepet Biomedical Co., Ltd.
10F., No.68, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan
☏ 02-77083899 | Office hours:Mon - Fri: 9am - 18pm